Juicing Cranberry

Juicing Cranberry

Cranberries have many health benefits when juiced, however it can be difficult to find fresh berries all year round. They are common during the festive period, however fresh ones are difficult to come by at any other time. You can still juice frozen berries, as these still contain 95% of the nutrients found in fresh ones. However when juiced they may need to be mixed with sweeter fruits like apple or pineapple, as they do have a very bitter taste.

Cranberries are great for the health of your bladder. They can also help to deodorise urine and they have also been said to be beneficial in aiding the prevention of bacterial bladder infections and urinary tract infections. This is down to the presence of compounds called proanthocyanidins. They help to reduce the ability of the bacteria E. Coli to attach to the lining of the bladder and urethra, if the infection has already set in. This can help to severely reduce the duration of the infection.

Scott McArthur
Scott McArthur
