Juicing Asparagus
Asparagus is a vegetable that is very rich in protein. It's also very high in Vitamin C, when buying asparagus look out for shoots that are a very rich green colour, as these have higher levels of Vitamin C, and so are better for you. When juicing, asparagus needs to be mixed with other fruit and vegetables, as the juice has a very strong flavour, so use sparingly! However this is down to personal taste.
Asparagus has been said to be a great detoxifier, and the juice is helpful in keeping the kidneys healthy and can be helpful with kidney related disorders. Asparagus also has high levels of folic acid, which is great before and during pregnancy. Asparagus can be helpful in protecting against cancer, as it has high levels of the B vitamin folate. There are also known to be high levels of iron found in asparagus, which when juiced is a great blood purifier and is needed for fighting anaemia.
Scott McArthur