Scott Mcarthur
UK's first male qualified juice therapist
 "The UK’s first male Juice Master Juice Therapist Scott McArthur was featured in the Oldham Advertiser last week in an article entitled ‘Junk Food to Juicer’.
The article touched on Scott’s story from junk food eater to juice convert after he recovered from major surgery in hospital. “The first meal I was given was a plate of chips and I couldn’t stomach it so I asked my Mum to make me some juices and within 4 days I was out of hospital”. Recovery was reportedly supposed to take 3 weeks, but after a such a short spell Scott puts it down to the juice.
“After reading Jason’s books I know how quickly juice helps the body to heal and recover. I had to get involved in the course once I’d found out about it and I’m so pleased to have now qualified. I can now get out and help people and start to teach the people of Manchester about the true power of juicing.”