#11 - Orange Zinger Recipe

Buy Orange Zinger Here

Makes: 500 to 600ml
Serves: 1 - 2 people
Preparation time: (Whole fruit Juicer): 5mins
Preparation time: (Narrow neck Juicer): 10mins

Carrot 5
Orange 3 peeled
Mint 5 sprigs
Ginger 1/2 inch


To make in a centrifugal juicer
Add the ingredients to your juicer and pour over ice. Make sure the mint is sandwiched between the other ingredients in order for it to be able to be pushed through the juicer.

To make in a slow masticating juicer or cold pressed
Add the ingredients to your juicer making sure you chop up the ingredients first, and pour over ice. Make sure the mint is sandwiched between the other ingredients in order for it to be able to be pushed through the juicer.

Scott McArthur
Scott McArthur
